
Apache Kafka vs RabbitMQ

Apache Kafka vs RabbitMQ

In the evolving landscape of modern data processing and messaging systems, we highly rely on data to get things done. From applications and mobile devices to services, software and other things, our life is full of elements that produce and use enormous volumes of data. Robust, scalable, and efficient solutions are necessary in this data-driven environment to manage the constant flow of data and guarantee smooth processing and communication. Apache Kafka and RabbitMQ are two such systems that have emerged as prominent players in the data streaming and messaging space.

Both have their own strengths, weaknesses and ideal use cases and hence serve different purposes. Plus, the differences in their architecture, design, performance, consistency, etc., make them suitable for different applications. Therefore, understanding the differences is critical in selecting the right message queue system for your individual needs, whether it's the high-throughput, horizontal scalability of Kafka or the robust, customizable messaging features of RabbitMQ. In this blog, we are going to discuss the differences between Apache Kafka and RabbitMQ to help you choose the ideal one for your data streaming and messaging needs.

Apache Kafka vs RabbitMQ: An Overview

Apache Kafka and RabbitMQ are open-source programs, but they are not interchangeable. They have different architectures, use cases, management, scalability, etc., and are used for different types of applications. However, before getting into an in-depth comparison, it's important to know what they exactly are.

What is Apache Kafka?

Apache Kafka is a free, open-source platform for managing real-time event streams. It excels at handling, transferring, and processing massive amounts of data driven by events. The platform was developed by Apache Software Foundation in 2011 for high-ingress data replies and streams. It was written in Scala and Java and has a durable message broker that enables applications to process and persist streamed data. Rather than depending on a message queue, it has a straightforward routing approach in which the platform appends messages to the logs, which remain there until the user reads them or it reaches the retention limit. It comes with a Java client but also provides an SDP adapter, enabling developers to create custom system integrations. Its key features, like exceptional integration, guaranteed ordering, cross-cluster data mirroring, zero message loss, etc., make it a highly useful platform for event data streaming.

What is RabbitMQ?

RabbitMQ is a free, open-source message broker that acts as a catalyst between managing and routing messages. Written in Erlang, this tool supports protocols including MQTT, AMQP, STOMP, and many other protocol extensions via a plug-in architecture. It deals with high-through-use cases like payment processing, online transactions, etc. and can be reliable in case of server or network failure. It manages background tasks, scales applications, schedules job queues, and facilitates messaging among microservices. In this, the queues are distributed across the nodes, which results in high availability and fault tolerance. It is best for low-latency messaging, which accepts, stores, and transfers binary data messages. Its key features, like multiple exchange types, reliable delivery, distributed deployment, message acknowledgement, native monitoring, etc., make it ideal for any use case.

Apache Kafka vs RabbitMQ: Key Differences

Apache Kafka and RabbitMQ are both used to handle large volumes of messages, but they still have differences in how they process and work. Have a look at the major differences between the two:


Apache Kafka and RabbitMQ use different architectures to implement message queuing and distribution. RabbitMQ handles all nodes equally and shares metadata, whereas queues are held on individual nodes. Data is accessible from any node via cluster communication. When a producer sends a message to the exchange, it utilizes a routing key to identify which queue to deliver the message to. In this, the messages are sent to exchanges, which route them to storage buffers known as queues, where users can subscribe and connect to receive messages.

Kafka partitions data and replicates it to other nodes, and messages are sent to a topic, which is then received by the customers who subscribe to that topic. Basically, data is organized into topics, which are separated into segments for easy processing. Producers tag each message with a key, and the broker stores it in the appropriate partition. ZooKeeper (now KRaft) manages clusters and partitions, ensuring fault-tolerant streaming within the Kafka system.

Pull vs Push Approach

Kafka uses a pull-based approach, where the customer has to request groups of messages beginning with a specified offset. It permits long pooling, allowing different customers to consume events at a different speed and preventing tight loops when no messages are received after the offset. Its partitioned data structure ensures message order inside a single partition. This enables users to take advantage of message batching, which boosts throughput and improves message delivery efficiency.

RabbitMQ uses a push-based approach, which means the producer controls when data is pushed. It basically stops overexciting consumers using a prefetch limit defined by the consumer. It is best suited for low-latency messaging. Its primary objective is to quickly and independently distribute messages in order to parallelize the burden among customers equally. Messages are processed in the sequence that they arrive in the queue.


Comparing the performance of both, Apache Kafka is way ahead of RabbitMQ in message transmission capacity. Kafka has more throughput and can send millions of messages per second due to the use of sequential disk I/O, which boosts performance and achieves high throughput with limited resources. This makes it ideal for large-scale use cases because it stores and retrieves data from adjacent memory space, which is quicker than random disk access.

RabbitMQ also has the ability to send millions of messages per second, but it requires more resources and multiple brokers to process a large number of messages. Typically, it can send thousands of messages per second, and queues might even be slowed down if they are congested. It can be used in the same use cases as Kafka but with tools like Apache Cassandra. However, it offers several deployment options which enhance its availability and reliability. Its federation plugin helps distribute messages without the need for clustering.


RabbitMQ has a slower message rate than Apache Kafka owing to architectural constraints. RabbitMQ messages are acknowledgement-based, which means that they can be erased as soon as clients acknowledge them. Messages are transmitted using the push model, which means that when they are received, a callback is called, and the message is handled. Moreover, messages can be transmitted in batches, depending on the number of users and processing speed. Besides that, it also has a message priority option to send certain highly important messages by using a priority queue.

Messages in Kafka are policy-based, this means the messages remain in the queue longer, even if not all clients have retrieved them. They are stored until the retention time is up, allowing multiple consumers to connect to the topic and receive the same message. In this case, messages are always sent to the topic in the same order they were received. 

Use Cases

Kafka is ideal for big data applications that require high throughput. It also provides a client library for developing apps and micro services. It is beneficial for clients who wish to connect and retrieve a history of communications, as Kafka's retention policies allow for message replay. Kafka is ideal for applications that require real-time data processing and analytics, such as monitoring, real-time data integration, log aggregation, and event sourcing.

RabbitMQ is a good choice for complex routing and low-latency delivery projects. It is beneficial for servers that require a rapid response to requests. It can be used for task distribution across numerous workers, microservices, and dependable inter-service communication, as well as applications that require legacy protocol compliance.

Supported Libraries and Programming Languages

Java and Scala are just two of the many programming languages, frameworks, and libraries that Kafka offers its clients. Other programming languages that are available include Go, Python, Node.js, C/C++, and many more, in addition to REST APIs.

RabbitMQ accepts a diverse set of frameworks and languages, including Java, .NET, JavaScript, C, Swift, Go, Spring, Elixir, PHP, and many others. It also supports the AMQP 0.9.1, AMQP 1.0, STOMP, and MQTT protocols. Moreover, it provides a huge variety of client libraries that work with many programming languages and environments.

Design Model

Apache Kafka employs a dumb broker/smart consumer approach in which the broker just delivers messages to the queue to be used. The producer sends the message to the right queue, and the consumer reads it from the right one. However, it does not keep track of the messages each user reads and, therefore, saves messages for a defined period of time. 

RabbitMQ employs the smart broker/dumb consumer model, which means that all routing and decisions are made within the broker. Later, the broker regularly transmits the message to the consumer, who must keep track of their situation. The messages are subsequently deleted from the queue following acknowledgements.


We have discussed the meaning and differences between Apache Kafka and RabbitMQ to help you select the one that aligns with your application requirements and its scope. You can choose Apache Kafka if you require a high-throughput, distributed event streaming platform to process real-time data and analytics. However, if you require a robust and easy-to-manage messaging platform for complex routing and microservices communication, RabbitMQ is a suitable option. So, consider your requirements and the differences mentioned above to select the right platform for building messaging infrastructure.

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