
Flutter vs Swift: Which is best for your next iOS app?

Flutter vs Swift

Every successful app relies on a strong development approach, suitable coding methods, and the right technology stack. The programming language is crucial for mobile app development, especially iOS, where performance, quality, and meeting app store requirements are essential.

Swift and Flutter are famous for iOS app development. Swift is a native language, and Flutter is a cross-platform tool. Selecting the appropriate technology stack is crucial amidst the abundance of mobile apps available.

The global mobile app sector was valued at $206.85 billion in 2022 & is predicted to grow by 13.8% annually from 2023 to 2030. Mobile applications are no longer just a trend but necessary for business growth. Although Google Play has more apps, Apple's App Store generates more revenue, with about 1.6 million iOS apps available in 2022 (Source: Statista).

This blog will compare the key features of Swift and Flutter to help you decide which is best for your app development needs.

What is Flutter?

Developed by Google, Flutter is an open-source framework. It is renowned for its ability to craft beautiful and high-performance apps.

Flutter facilitates cross-platform development for iOS, Android, web, and desktop environments. One of its key features is using a single codebase for all these platforms.

This cross-platform capability makes it an attractive option for developers seeking to streamline development workflows and reach a broader user base.

Functionalities of Flutter

Here are some core functionalities of flutter:

Dart Programming Language

Flutter utilizes Dart, a versatile object-oriented language known for its readability & ease of learning, especially for those familiar with Java or JavaScript.

Rich Widget Library

Flutter boasts a comprehensive collection of pre-built widgets (UI things like buttons and text fields) that streamline the user interface (UI) development process. These widgets offer extensive customization options, enabling the development of distinctive and visually captivating interfaces.

Hot Reload

Hot reload functionality transforms the development experience. It lets developers see code changes reflected in the running app almost instantly, significantly reducing development iteration times and fostering a more efficient workflow.

Advantages of Choosing Flutter for iOS App Development

Since its release, Flutter has seen an increase in popularity compared to other cross-platform development kits for specific reasons. Let's look at some of the reasons:

Cross-Platform Development

The most powerful feature of Flutter is its ability to build apps for several platforms from a single codebase. Rather than creating separate native apps for each device, this approach saves both money and development time.

Fast Development and Hot Reload

The combination of Dart and hot reload functionality significantly accelerates the development process. Developers can experiment, iterate, and visualize changes rapidly, leading to faster time-to-market.

Visually Stunning UIs

Flutter's rich widget library empowers the creation of captivating and responsive user interfaces. The ability to customize widgets further enhances the design possibilities for a unique user experience.

Large Developer Community

Flutter enjoys a rapidly growing and active developer community. This results in easily accessible tools, guides, and assistance that support developers every step of the way during the development process.

Potential Drawbacks of Using Flutter for iOS App Development

The benefits of Flutter exceed the drawbacks; nonetheless, Flutter still has flaws. Let's discuss them in the following parts.

Limited Native Features

While Flutter excels in cross-platform development, it might not always provide direct access to all native iOS functionalities. Workarounds or third-party plugins might be necessary to achieve specific functionalities crucial for some iOS apps.

Newer Framework

Compared to Swift, Flutter is a relatively younger framework. While it's constantly evolving, some developers might express concerns about its long-term stability and future support.

Learning Curve for Dart

Developers with extensive experience in iOS development using Swift might need to invest time in learning Dart, the programming language behind Flutter.

What is Swift?

Apple introduced Swift, a robust and contemporary programming language crafted for building applications on iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS platforms.

Its tight integration with the Apple network and native development capabilities make it a popular choice for building high-performance iOS apps.

Functionalities of Swift

Here are some core functionalities of Swift:

Modern Programming Language

Swift is a type-safe language that emphasizes code clarity and reduces the risk of errors. Its syntax is known for its readability and ease of learning, making it a good choice for experienced and novice developers.

Rich Standard Library

Swift provides a comprehensive standard library with essential functionalities for various development tasks, simplifying everyday operations and improving development efficiency.

Integration with Apple's Network

Swift's seamless integration with Apple's Xcode development environment and native frameworks like UIKit and Core ML streamlines development for iOS and other Apple platforms.

Advantages of Choosing Swift for iOS App Development

Here are the salient advantages of Swift:

Native Performance

Swift is optimized for Apple's platforms, producing exceptional app performance and a smooth user experience. This is particularly crucial for graphics-intensive apps or those requiring real-time interactions.

Direct Access to Native Features

As a native language, Swift offers direct access to all the functionalities and features of the iOS platform. Developers can leverage the full potential of iOS hardware and software for a feature-rich app experience.

Large Developer Community and Resources

Swift boasts a vast and active developer community, providing ample access to tutorials, libraries, and code examples. This extensive support system empowers developers throughout the development process.

Potential Drawbacks of Using Swift for iOS App Development

Swift also has several limitations that developers should consider before utilizing it. We shall discuss these limitations in the sections that follow.

Limited Cross-Platform Capabilities

While Swift excels in native iOS development, it primarily targets Apple's ecosystem. Creating apps for other platforms (Android, web) would require learning additional tools and frameworks, potentially increasing development time and complexity.

Steeper Learning Curve for Beginners

Compared to some widely used languages like JavaScript, Swift might have a steeper learning curve for developers entirely new to programming concepts.

Potential Vendor Lock-In

Solely relying on Swift for app development can lead to vendor lock-in within the Apple ecosystem. This might limit future flexibility if porting the app to other platforms becomes necessary.

Choosing the Right Champion: Flutter vs. Swift

The ideal choice between Flutter and Swift hinges on several crucial factors:

Project Requirements

If your project demands a high-performance, native iOS app with access to all the platform's features, Swift reigns supreme.

However, if cross-platform development and faster time-to-market are priorities, Flutter becomes a compelling contender.

Project Budget and Timeline

While Flutter can potentially reduce development costs by leveraging a single codebase, the learning curve for Dart and potential limitations in native functionality might need to be factored in.

Swift might incur higher initial costs due to separate platform development but can ensure optimal performance for a native iOS app.

The Onboarding Process

Separate setups are required to construct functioning applications with Swift and Flutter. To build native iOS applications, you only need a macOS system and Xcode.

To develop iOS apps, you must first download the Flutter binaries, the Dart SDK, and Xcode.

This demonstrates that setting up Flutter is more time-consuming than Swift.

When it comes to learning Swift and iOS development, there's a wealth of resources available compared to Flutter.


Regarding accessibility features, Swift, as a native language, integrates seamlessly with iOS accessibility APIs, offering developers full control.

Flutter, being cross-platform, supports basic features but may have limitations in controlling platform-specific accessibility options.

However, Flutter continuously improves its accessibility support, aiming for a uniform experience across platforms, including iOS, and allows for unique solutions if needed.

Integration and Development

Swift and Flutter have different app development processes. The Xcode server provides seamless integration throughout the development cycle.

Apple's ability to improve its applications may confront some limits.

Nonetheless, the Flutter app development tools can detect, build, test, and bundle any application.

As a result, Flutter may have an advantage over Swift in terms of integration and development.


Remember that Swift is a native language used to develop iOS applications for Apple products, which affects app performance. It is a default language.

Thus, it gives you an advantage regarding realistic features and computational power. Flutter, on the other hand, is vital.

Dart uses all of its unique features to create iOS applications that look and feel native.

However, the latter wins the race after a neck-and-neck comparison between Flutter and Swift.

Development time

Regarding development time and cost, Flutter offers a streamlined process with a single command to gauge app creation duration.

However, compared to developing iOS apps with Swift or Objective-C, initial Flutter app development for iOS might take longer, especially for clean builds.

Swift provides native iOS app development estimates via the Xcode command line, at which Swift excels.

Yet, Flutter shines in cross-platform efficiency, reducing costs with a single codebase for iOS and Android, unlike Swift, which is exclusive to iOS. This makes Flutter a more cost-effective option overall.

The Final Verdict

Choosing between Flutter and Swift for iOS app development involves vital factors.

Flutter, from Google, uses one codebase for iOS and Android apps, making development and maintenance easier. Its hot reload feature lets developers make real-time changes quickly. If you need a cross-platform solution, Flutter is a good choice.

Swift, Apple’s language, works closely with iOS devices for optimized performance. Swift is ideal if you want a tailored iOS app and have the resources.

The choice between Swift and Flutter ultimately comes down to your project's requirements and long-term goals. Some organizations even combine the two, using Flutter for some UI components or cross-platform features and Swift for critical functions.

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